Development of Social Skill and Self-Regulation Abilities for 6th Grade Students Based on Bandura Theory, Metacognition, Reasoning Approach and Collaborative Learning
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The purposes of this study were to: 1) compare students’ social skills and self-regulation ability, during, before and after learning management based on Bandura theory, metacognition, reasoning approach, and collaborative learning and 2) compare the sample’ skill and self-regulation ability with the controlled group traditional approach students. This research methodology was the experimental research with random assignment to determine the experimental group and the control group consisted of 57, the 6th grade students in Sunthonwijit (Bamrungwittaya) school, Muang Nakhon Phanom District, Nakhon Phanom Province, the second semester, academic year of 2021. The sample used cluster random sampling method. The research instruments were 24 learning management plans, the 40-item Social Skill Evaluation Form, and the-20 items Self-Regulation Ability Evaluation Form. The research statistics were mean, standard deviation, percentage, t-test (dependent sample), and F-test (One-way MANOVA).
The results of the research revealed that: 1) the students’ learning achievement scores after learning with the model were higher at the statistical significant as .05 level., and 2) the sample’s achievement scores also earned higher than the controlled learning traditional approach students at the statistical significant at .05 level.
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