The Executive Functions (EF) Development of kindergarten Grade 2 Students, Ban Borabue (Borabue Ratpadung) School by Using Science Experience

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Aphicha Buranapim
Chonlada Thamprasoet


The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop the kindergarten grade 2 students’ Executive Functions (EF) ability by using scientific experience management, 2) compare the sample’s Executive Functions (EF) ability before and after learning with the learning model, and 3) study the sample’s Executive Functions (EF effectiveness index of developing) effectiveness index. The research sample consisted of 16 kindergarten grade 2 students, Borabue Ratpadung school, Borabue District, Maha Sarakham Province. The sample used the purposive random sampling. The research tools were 1) an experience, 2) an Executive Functions (EF) test, and 3) an observational form. The research statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Effectiveness Index and t-test (Dependent).

The results of the research were as follows: 1) The sample’s EF development mean scores after learning with the learning model were at higher level. 2) the comparison result of the sample’s mean scores after learning with the model were also at higher level as statistically significant at the .05 level, and 3) the sample’s Effectiveness Index were increased after learning with the model, ranged from the highest to the lowest, on Attention aspect, which was increased of 86.53 %; Emotional Control aspect, which was increased of 86.95%, and on the Self-Assessment aspect which was increased of 66.66% respectively.

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How to Cite
Buranapim, A., & Thamprasoet, C. (2023). The Executive Functions (EF) Development of kindergarten Grade 2 Students, Ban Borabue (Borabue Ratpadung) School by Using Science Experience. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(2), 17–27. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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