A Study of Guidelines for Strategic Change Management and Innovation Development of School Administrators Under Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
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The objectives of this research were to: 1) Study current condition, desired condition and necessary needs, 2) Compare strategic change management and innovation according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers classified by school size and 3) Study guidelines for strategic change management and innovation development. The sample group was composed of 80 administrators and 253 teachers, totaling 333 people, from disproportional stratified random sampling. The key informants were 12 experts. The research tools consisted of a questionnaire on current conditions with discriminatory power between 0.49-0.74 and reliability of 0.97, a questionnaire on desired conditions with discriminatory power between 0.57-0.91 and reliability of 0.98 and an interview form on guidelines for strategic change management and innovation development. The data analysis statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Modified Needs Priority Index and One-way ANOVA.
The research results showed that: 1) The current conditions in overall and each aspect were at a high level. The desired conditions in overall and each aspect were at the highest level. The top 3 necessary needs were the innovation and technology development, the policy plans and strategies designation and the implementation of policies plans and strategies, respectively, 2) The comparison of strategic change management and innovation on the opinions of school administrators and teachers appeared that: (2.1) The current conditions in overall and each aspect were statistically different at the significant level of .01. (2.2) The desired conditions in overall and each aspect were statistically different at the significant level of .01. When considering in each aspect, there were found 2 different aspects, the innovation and technology development and the participation. The rest was no different, and 3) The guidelines for strategic change management and innovation development in 3 aspects revealed: 6 guidelines on the innovation and technology development, 6 guidelines on the policy plans and strategies designation and 6 guidelines on the implementation of policies plans and strategies, totaling 18 guidelines.
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ข้อกำหนดเบื้องต้นที่ผู้นิพนธ์(ผู้ส่งบทความ) ควรทราบ
1. ผู้นิพนธ์ที่ประสงค์จะลงตีพิมพ์บทความกับวารสาร ตั้งแต่เดือนมกราคม 2563 เป็นต้นไป ให้ใช้รูปแบบใหม่ (Template 2563) โดยสามารถดูตัวอย่างได้ที่เมนู GUIDELINES
2. จะตีพิมพ์และเผยแพร่ได้ ต้องผ่านการประเมินจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (Peer Review)
3. การประเมินบทความโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (Peer Review) เป็นแบบ Double Blind
4. การอ้างอิงบทความใช้หลักเกณฑ์ APA (American Psychological Association) คลิก
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