Conditions, Needs and Guidelines for Developing Utilization of Digital Technology in Administration of Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin

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Yupawee Sariso
Komsan Khajornpanyapaisan
Rutchadaporn Ngoipoothon


The aims of this study were: 1) to study current and desirable conditions for utilization of digital technology in school administration, 2) to study needs for utilization of digital technology in school administration and 3) to study guidelines for developing utilization of digital technology in school administration. The sample in this research were school directors, deputy school director and teacher in charge of technology, totaling 114 people. The sample size was determined by using the Krejcie and Morgan table, drawn from stratified random sampling. The key informants were 6 experts in utilization of digital technology in school administration from the best practice school. The research tools consisted of a questionnaire on current condition with discriminatory power between 0.38-0.92 and reliability of 0.97, a questionnaire on desired conditions with discriminatory power between 0.32-0.91 and reliability of 0.97 and semi-structured interviews. Data analysis statistics included percentage, mean, standard deviation and Modified Needs Priority Index.
The findings were as follows: 1) The current and desirable conditions for utilization of digital technology in administration of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin in overall were at high and the highest level, respectively, 2) The top 2 needs for utilization of digital technology in school administration were the use of digital technology in budget management and the use of digital technology in academic management, and 3) The guidelines for developing utilization of digital technology in administration of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin were 12 practical guidelines.

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How to Cite
Sariso, Y., Khajornpanyapaisan, K., & Ngoipoothon, R. (2024). Conditions, Needs and Guidelines for Developing Utilization of Digital Technology in Administration of Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 21(1), 148–158. Retrieved from
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