The Effects of Using Explicit-reflective Approach Instruction on Nature of Science Understanding and Science Process Skills of Grade 4 Students at Muangwapipathum School in Mahasarakham Province

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Prasert Parathang
Duongdearn Suwanjinda
Tweesak Chindanurak


The purposes of this research were to 1) compare nature of science understanding of grade 4 students learning through the explicit-reflective approach instruction with those of students learning through the traditional learning, and 2) compare science process skills of grade 4 students learning through the explicit-reflective approach instruction with those of students learning through the traditional learning. The sample was 70 grade 4 students from two classrooms, in the first semester of the academic year 2023, at Muangwapipathum school in Mahasarakham province, obtained from cluster random sampling. The research tools were 1) 8 lesson plans using traditional learning instruction, 2) 8 lesson plans using explicit-reflective approach instruction, 3) a measurement form of science understanding, and 4) a measurement form of science process skills. Statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and independent sample t-test.

The results of this research were as follows: 1) the nature of science understanding of grade 4 students in the explicit-reflective approach instruction was higher than the students in the traditional learning at the .05 level of statistical significance, and 2) the science process skills of grade 4 students in the explicit-reflective approach instruction was higher than the students in the traditional learning at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Parathang , P. ., Suwanjinda, D., & Chindanurak, T. (2024). The Effects of Using Explicit-reflective Approach Instruction on Nature of Science Understanding and Science Process Skills of Grade 4 Students at Muangwapipathum School in Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 21(3), 167–180. retrieved from
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