The Development of Analytical Thinking Skills and Learning Achievement Using Synectics Instructional Model with Mind Mapping Learning Management in Social Studies, Religion and Culture Courses on Economics in Daily Life for Prathomsuksa 4 Students
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The aims of this research study were: 1) to compare students’ analytical thinking skills before and after the learning, 2) to compare the learning achievement of students before and after the learning, 3) to study the satisfaction of prathomsuksa 4 students on the Synectics Instructional Model with Mind Mapping learning management. The target group was prathomsuksa 4 students at Ban Khui School, Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Province, in the second semester of the academic year 2023, totaling 21 students from purposive sampling. Four types of the research tools were: 1) 7 plans of the Synectics Instructional Model with Mind Mapping learning management with the highest level of appropriateness, 2) Learning achievement test with Index of item objective congruence is 0.84 and reliability coefficient of 0.82, 3) Analytical thinking skills test with Index of item objective congruence is 0.88 and reliability coefficient of 0.78 and 4) Satisfaction questionnaire with Index of item objective congruence is 0.89 and reliability coefficient of 0.78. Data was analyzed using means, standard deviations, percentages and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for hypothesis testing.
The results of the study revealed that: 1) students’ analytical thinking skills improved significantly after the learning at the .01 level, 2) students’ learning achievement improved significantly after the learning at the .01 level and 3) students’ satisfaction on the Synectics Instructional Model with Mind Mapping learning management was at the highest level in overall.
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