Developing Chinese Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Using the Fun Box Game for Grade 11 Students at Phadungnaree School

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Chinnawat Sripol
Chanakan Khumdumrongkiet
Phattarawadee Tabtamart


The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop a learning activity of Chinese vocabulary pronunciation skills using the fun box game for grade 11 students at Phadungnaree School with an efficiency criteria of 70/70, 2) to compare the Chinese vocabulary pronunciation skills of grade 11 students after learning with the fun box game against the 70 percent criteria and 3) to study the satisfaction of students toward the learning activity of Chinese vocabulary pronunciation skills using the fun box game. The sample group consists of 38 grade 11 students from seven classes in the second semester of the 2023 academic year at Phadungnaree School, Mahasarakham Province. They were selected through purposive sampling. The research instrument included: 1) three learning activity plans, 2) Chinese vocabulary pronunciation skill tests and 3) a satisfaction questionnaire. The data analysis statistics were percentage, mean (x̅), standard deviation (S.D.) and One-Sample t-test.

The results show that: 1) the effectiveness (E1/E2) of the learning activity of Chinese vocabulary pronunciation skill using the fun box game for grade 11 students was 77.90/74.83, which meets the 70/70 criteria, 2) grade 11 students had Chinese vocabulary pronunciation skill scores after the learning activity exceed the 70% criteria with statistical significance at the .05 level, reaching 74.83 percent of the students and 3) the overall satisfaction of grade 11 students on the learning activity of Chinese vocabulary pronunciation skills using the fun box game was at the highest level (x̅=4.92, S.D.=0.60).

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How to Cite
Sripol, C., Khumdumrongkiet, C., & Tabtamart, P. . (2024). Developing Chinese Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Using the Fun Box Game for Grade 11 Students at Phadungnaree School. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 21(3), 59–69. Retrieved from
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