The Use of Cornell Note-Taking Activity to Enhance Learning Achievement in a Learning Management Science Course: A Case Study of Second-Year Students in the Primary Education Program, Faculty of Education
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of the Cornell note-taking activity on students’ learning achievement and satisfaction in a Learning Management Science course. The sample group consisted of 58 undergraduate students from the Primary Education Program, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, selected through purposive sampling. The study employed an experimental research design. The learning achievement before and after using the Cornell note-taking activity were analyzed with paired sample t-tests (Dependent Sample). The students’ satisfaction was assessed using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire.
The results showed that the learning achievement average scores after the Cornell note-taking activity was significantly higher than the scores before the activity at a .05 level of significance (p<.05), indicating that the Cornell note-taking activity effectively promoted learning achievement. Additionally, the analysis of students’ satisfaction on the activity revealed that they expressed high satisfaction, with average scores ranging from 3.51 to 4.50. The students commented that the activity helped organize their learning, made content summarization easier, and enhanced deeper and more engaging learning. They also suggested that this technique could be applied to other subjects.
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