
  • Phrakhrusutakitsarawimon (Sudjai Kotirat)
  • Sanguan Laphontan


Management, Dhamma practice centers, Buddhist Integrative


          This article aims to analyze of managing the Buddhist integrative Dhamma practice centers by integrating Buddhism with modern science as follows : the Buddhist management concepts is working with intellect and with good intentions for society and the professional Buddhist executives compose 3 ways which are 1) Chakkhuma has intelligence and foresight,
2) Vithuro manages the business well with expertise in, 3) Nissayasampanno can rely on other people in order to manage the Dharma practice centers to be 7 comfort places (Sappaya) that are : (1) Avasasappaya means the place that is happy to be clean, safe, (2) Gocarasappaya means the place that traveling around the alms well suited, (3) Bhassasappaya means the place has moderately appropriate conversation, (4) Puggalasappaya means the place compose with people are friendly friends, (5) Bhojanasappaya means the place has nutritious food, (6) Utusappaya the place has a natural environment and (7) Ariyapathadasappaya means the posture is comfortable. All will be Integrated with the management according to modern science of the Dharma practice centers in the management of various aspects of the 4 M principles, including man, money, Material and Management and with the management process to analyze SWOT principles to achieve a collaborative process to be efficient and efficiency and maximum effectiveness, and to achieve the objectives or goals of the Dharma practice centers set up to date in the 21st century.


Keywords : Management, Dhamma practice centers, Buddhist Integrative


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How to Cite

(Sudjai Kotirat), P. ., & Laphontan, S. . (2019). THE MANAGEMENT OF THE BUDDHIST INTEGRATIVE DHAMMA PRACTICE CENTERS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 5(2), 96–111. Retrieved from



Academic Article