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Nokyoong Anusuren
Grichawat Lowatcharin


          The purpose of this research was to assess how the OTOP Tourism Community innovation project achievement. Under the Thai Popular Sustainable Project in Khon Kaen Province. The researcher used the system model assessments, including inputs, processes, output, outcome and effects. Target areas are Hua Fai village, Dong Bang village, Don Kha village and Huai Kae village. Which is in the selection criteria for potential communities under the project. The researcher collected data from the project performance summary report, questionnaires and focus group discussions. The sample group uses specific choice methods is the administrator and officials responsible for the project at the provincial and district levels. Officer responsible for the target village, totaling 12 people.

The research found that:

           the project was successful in some areas. Due to the potential in each area is not equal but in four villages. There is a career creation and income for people in the community. According to the following research findings. About the Input factors, the four villages have the personnel. Natural resources, products, and tourism information that are ready to develop and continue to support tourists. Process, there is human resource development in the community. Developing tourism potential and community identity. Product development which upgrading the product to have quality and standard. Data capacity development and management improvements. Output, all of four villages have increased incomes of more than 10 percent. The results, the village has more income distribution and circulation in the community. Stimulating economic foundations and there are people migrating back home. Impact on all four villages. There is a result of the evaluation of the total happiness of the village at the level of "Yu Yen Pen Suk". The suggestion from the research is that the project has a limited time. Therefore, this project should specify in the 20-year national strategic plan. Therefore, this project should be specified in 20 years and in the strategic plan in other relevant departments. To be able to proceed with the project Continuously and sustainability.

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How to Cite
Anusuren, N. ., & Lowatcharin , G. . (2019). AN ASSESSMENT OF OTOP NAWATWITHI COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM UNDER THE THAI NIYOM YANGYUEN PROGRAM IN KHON KAEN PROVINCE . Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 5(2), 205–221. Retrieved from
Research Article


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