
  • Smai Sai-Onta


Former civil servants, Local administrators, Election


         The purpose of this research was to study the tendency of former civil servants to be elected as local administrators. By using a qualitative research methodology by documentary research and in-depth interview from 70 key informants, including the population of males and females in all professions Including religious leaders Spiritual leaders living in the area of Ubonrat district Khon Kaen The research instruments were a semi - structured interview form and content analysis methodology.        

          The research found that:

  1. The background factor of local administrators who are both former civil servants and non-former civil servants are working experience. Social relations, social status, education and political participation There is a relationship to the election respectively. The former civil servants tend to be elected as local administrators more than those who are not former civil servants. Due to being respected and has a higher social cost, it is more acceptable.
  2. Competency factors of local administrators, both former civil servants and non-former civil servants, are vision Leadership Local policy And decision-making There is a relationship to the election of a local administrator. The former civil servants tend to be elected as local administrators more than those who are not former civil servants. Since former civil servants have the opportunity to show their vision Management leadership Formulate policies for local decisions, including continuity of administration Until being accepted by the people more.
  3. Local administrators originating from former civil servants Systematic and systematic management Have the opportunity to set policies for creating new projects With the community being more involved There is flexibility in coordinating with relevant agencies. While the local administrators who are not from the former civil servants manage according to the context of the area to meet the needs of the people. Administration in a semi-autonomous system based on citizens.
  4. The factors that can predict the election of local administrators of former civil servants are competence factors, including knowledge, ability, vision and perspective that are different and far-reaching Managed by principles and regulations as a guideline While the factor that can predict the election of local administrators who are not former civil servants is management based on the needs of the people. Be diligent and pay attention to problems and continue to participate in activities with the co


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How to Cite

Sai-Onta, S. . (2019). THE TENDENCY THAT FORMER CIVIL SERVANTS WILL BE ELECTED AS LOCAL ADMINISTRATORS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 5(2), 222–238. Retrieved from



Research Article