Learning Management of Social Studies to Promote Students in Prevention of Corruption Based on IV Ghāravasadhamma of First YearSecondary School Students in Pangkhonwitthayakhom School, Sakonnakhon Province

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Phitsanu Homsombat
Somkhuan Namseethan
กิตติศักดิ์ สุวรรณชัยรบ
Sunton Sipanbun


               The aims of this thesis were: to study the problematic conditions, to create and present the model used in learning management of social studies to promote the learners in prevention of corruption based on IV ghāravasadhamma (virtues for a good household life) of the first year secondary school students in Pangkhonwitthayakhom school, Sakonnakhon province. This study was carried out by means of mixed methodology research, including both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The total number of the studied samples was140 and the data were collected by using a questionnaire and an interview form. The statistics used in data analysis were the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

              The research results were as follows:

              The learning management of social studies to promote the learners in prevention of corruption based on IV ghāravasadhamma of the first year secondary school students in Pangkhonwitthayakhom school, Sakonnakhon province in overall was statistically rated at a high level. The highest scores can be seen in the following respective aspects: the learning management of social studies to promote the learners in prevention of corruption based on liberality (cāga), honesty (sacca), taming and training oneself (dama) and tolerance (khanti).

               The model of the learning management of social studies to promote the learners in prevention of corruption based on IV ghāravasadhamma of the first year secondary school students in Pangkhonwitthayakhom school, Sakonnakhon province was divided into four aspects: the honesty aspect is the instruction using real situation; the aspect of taming and training oneself is the instruction using a case study; the aspect of tolerance is the instruction using a role play; the aspect of liberality is the instruction using a problem solving technique.

               The ways of the learning management of social studies to promote the learners in prevention of corruption based on IV ghāravasadhamma of the first year secondary school students in Pangkhonwitthayakhom school, Sakonnakhon province in each aspect were that in the aspect of honesty, teachers should use teaching methods using news, media or real-life situations through a group dynamic for brainstorming and analyzing truth; in the aspect of taming and training oneself, the teachers should teaching methods using a case study; in the aspect of tolerance, teachers should use teaching methods using a role play and then ask students to analyze the role play together; in the aspect of liberality, teachers should use the various instruction methods suitable to learning contents and leaners’ basic to promote the learners in prevention of corruption, such as using a problem solving technique, teaching by using the principles of the four noble truths or jigsaw learning.

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How to Cite
Homsombat, P. ., Namseethan, S. . ., สุวรรณชัยรบ ก. ., & Sipanbun, S. . (2020). Learning Management of Social Studies to Promote Students in Prevention of Corruption Based on IV Ghāravasadhamma of First YearSecondary School Students in Pangkhonwitthayakhom School, Sakonnakhon Province. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (Online), 6(1), 389–403. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/242791
Research Article


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