The Self Reliance of Famers in Buddhist Khonkaen Provinces


  • Prakob Meekhotkong Mahachulalongkornrajviddhayalaya university Khonkean Campus
  • Burin Poosakul Mahachulalongkornrajviddhayalaya university Khonkean Campus
  • PhakruSutadhammabhanee Mahachulalongkornrajviddhayalaya university Khonkean Campus
  • Pronnipa Rattanakanasap Learning Institute for Everyone, Thailand


Buddhist self-reliance, farmer


     The purposes of this research are:1) To study the self-reliance of farmers in Khon Kaen Province 2) To study ways of promoting self-reliance of Buddhist farmers in Khon Kaen Province 3) To analyze the self-reliance patterns of Buddhist farmers in Khon Kaen Province. Is a qualitative research.  By interviewing specific target groups, namely, self-reliant peasants using Buddhist principles in Khon Kaen, consisting of 6 villages, 5 persons each, a total of 30 people.

     The result of the research shows that: 

     1) Self-reliance of farmers in Khon Kaen Province found that life is self-sufficient. But still relying on a new economic system by relying on middlemen to trade agricultural products Groups or communities that are not fully dependent on because management funds are insufficient for the needs of the people

     2) Regarding the guidelines for promoting self-reliance of Buddhist farmers in Khon Kaen Province, it is found that there must be Dhamma as a guideline for the 5 ways of promoting self-reliance: 1. Mental fit 2. Social fit   3. Fit in natural resources and Environment 4. Technology fit 5. Economy fit.

     3) The model of self-reliance of the farmers has applied the 4 influential principles, namely 1. Chantha is the love and passion of his own career. 2. Viriya is diligence and diligence. 3. Chitta means paying attention to the rice in the profession. 4. Wimangsa is that after farming, the results of the occupation are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Meekhotkong, P. . ., Poosakul, B. ., PhakruSutadhammabhanee, & Rattanakanasap, P. . (2020). The Self Reliance of Famers in Buddhist Khonkaen Provinces. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 6(1), 434–447. retrieved from



Research Article