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Areeya Korkuso
Paponsan Potipitak
Thitinan Dongsuwan


     This research aimed to 1) study problems of the implementation of student care-taking system in boarding schools under the Special Education Bureau in Lopburi Province.  and 2) study approaches for the implementation of student care-taking system in boarding schools under the Special Education Bureau in Lopburi Province. The sample group consisted of 140 participants were school directors, heads of the student support system, homeroom teachers, and dormitory teachers in boarding schools under the Special Education Bureau in Lopburi Province in academic year 2020. The instrument used was a    5-rating scale questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.99. The statistics used for the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

     The research results were found that:

  1. The problems of the implementation of student care-taking system in overall, was rated at a moderate level which could be arranged from the highest to the lowest level as follows: Knowing individual students, Screening students, Supporting and Developing students, Preventing and Solving problems, and Transferring students, respectively.

  2. The approaches for the implementation of student care-taking system in boarding schools based on 5 components were 1) knowing individual students, schools should provide parent’s meeting and the way to publicize necessary information, 2) screening students, schools should provide a training course on lesson plans for individual students in order to do lesson plans based on the results of the screening student results, 
    3) supporting and developing students, schools should check lesson plans following individual students, and the supervision should be done continuously, 4) preventing and solving problems, school administrators should promote and support teacher’s development and skills on preventing and solving problems based on the cooperation of the relevant organizations, and 5) transferring students, schools should promote parents for the cooperative student transferring process.

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How to Cite
Korkuso, A. ., Potipitak, P. ., & Dongsuwan, T. (2021). THE APPROACHES OF STUDENT CARE-TAKING SYSTEM IN BOARDING SCHOOLS UNDER THE SPECIAL EDUCATION BUREAU IN LOPBURI PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (Online), 7(1), 26–37. Retrieved from
Research Article


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