Guidelines; Promotion; Being Professional Learning CommunityAbstract
The purposes of this research were to study the needs of the promotion of being professional learning community of schools and present guidelines for the promotion of being professional learning community of schools under KhonKaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample group used in the research consisted of school administrators and teachers under the KhonKaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, with the total number of 337 people. The sample size was determined by calculating from the formula of Taro Yamane (1973) using stratified random sampling method. The instrument used for data collection was 5-level rating scale questionnaire with content validity (IOC) of 0.80–1.00 and reliability of the whole questionnaire at 0.93. The statistics used to analyze data comprised percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, PNI modified index, Median and Inter Quartile Range.
The research results were found that:
1. The needs of being professional learning community of schools, in overall, were found that PNI Modifieds index of the needs was 0.40, when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the most needs was the cooperative team, followed by caring community, the aspect with the least needs was shared leadership.
2.Guidelines for the Promotion of Being Professional Learning Community of Schools were found that : 1) On aspect of collaborative team, the administrators should encourage teachers to participate in planning, participate in expressing opinions, participate in decision-making and participate in assessing team-work performance. 2) On aspect of caring community, the administrators should encourage teachers to co-exist with an open cultural way, trust and respect for each other. 3) On aspect of learning and professional development, the administrators should encourage teachers to develop themselves on academic and professional aspect. 4) On aspect of shared vision, the administrators should encourage personnel and related persons to participate in setting a professional vision and goals for educational management to improve higher learning achievement. 5) On aspect of community support structure ,the administrators should perform an information technology system about community support structure which is efficient, accurate and meets the needs of users. 6) On aspect of shared leadership, the administrators should inspire teachers to work together to develop teaching and learning management by focusing on learners.
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