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Kanokwan Matkul
Vanich Prasertphorn


  The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the current situation and the desirable conditions in the development of personnel administration of schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 25 and 2) to study the needs for the development of personnel administration of schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 25 The sample group consisted of 122 school administrators and 361 teachers. The instruments used for collecting data were a 5-level rating scale questionnaire and open-ended question with 5 aspect suggestions. The statistics used data analysis comprised frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Modified Priority Needs index (PNI Modified Index).

  The research results were found that:

  1.The current situation in the development of personnel administration of schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 25, in overall, was rated at a high level, when considering in each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was the development of government teachers and educational personnel, followed by manpower planning and position determination. The aspect with the lowest average was the government service retirement, and the desirable conditions in the development of personnel administration of schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 25, in overall, was rated at a high level, when considering in each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was government teachers and educational personnel development, followed by disciplinary procedure and punishment, the aspect with the lowest average was the government service retirement.

  2.Needs for the development of personnel administration of schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 25, arranging according to the most importance were as follows: 1. Government service retirement 2. Government teachers and educational personnel development 3. Disciplinary procedure and punishment 4. Selection and recruitment 5. Manpower planning and position determination.

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How to Cite
Matkul, K. . ., & Prasertphorn, V. . . (2021). NEEDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION OF SCHOOLS UNDER SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 25. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 7(1), 50–61. Retrieved from
Research Article


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