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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the opinions of the people on the political policy in promoting tourism; 2) to study the opinions of the people on the Dhamma principles for promoting tourism by using the Five Pañca-Dhammas (the Five Ennobling Virtues); 3) to compare people's opinions on the political policy of promotion tourism, classified by samples’ personal factors and the Five Pañca-Dhammas; 4) to study the guidelines for tourism promotion of local administrative organizations around Bueng Kaen Nakhon Lake in Khon Kaen Province. This study was carried out by means of the mixed research methodologies: quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group consisted of 285 people and 10 key informants. The tools used were questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used for data analysis were: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and F-test.
The research results were as follows:
1. The level of public opinion on political policy for tourism promotion of local government organizations around Bueng Kaen Nakhon Lake, Khon Kaen Province and the level of opinions on the Dhamma principles in promoting tourism around the lake by using the Five Pañca-Dhammas in overall was at a high level.
2.People with differences in sex, age, occupation, income and education level had the overall different opinion on the political policy for tourism promotion of local administrative organizations around Bueng Kaen Nakhon Lake. Those who practice themselves according to the Five Pañca-Dhammas had a different opinion on the political policy for tourism promotion of local administrative organizations around Bueng Kaen Nakhon Lake.
3.Guidelines for tourism promotion of local administrative organizations around Bueng Kaen Nakhon Lake are that various cultural preservation activities should be organized around the lake for the community; the surrounding landscape should be improved; learning management should be organized in important places; there should be publicity through various media to present the information useful to the people; Bueng Kaen Nakhon Lake management committee should be established for orderliness in the surrounding area.
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