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Ruedee Saengduenchay


     This research paper aims to study the process and techniques of self-assessment report (SAR) and guidelines for developing SAR work at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, KhonKaen campus, using qualitative research from papers and questionnaires from the administrators and personnel, a method of selecting a Purposive Sampling of 25 people was used to write a descriptive analysis.

     The study found that

     1.Process and techniques for preparing SAR report consist of a work flow chart, which requires personnel to support the preparation. A self-assessment report with skills in time management and for preparing the existing information technology system also supports the preparation of SAR to obtain effective data and can use the data obtained from actual practice to report the results of the academic year. And used as a guideline for planning and development of the educational quality assurance operation. This relates to the details of processes and procedures, preparing the internal quality assurance report. And filling in the online MCU e - SAR assessment report system

     2.KhonKaen Campus There are three approaches to developing SAR reporting work, namely control, monitoring, and evaluation. Some factors affect the success of educational quality assurance, namely human development with standard goals and indicators. Point action and report results This reflects the performance from the performance report according to the indicators of all 5 components and the evidence supporting the results that are consistent with the results of the university.

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How to Cite
Saengduenchay, R. . (2021). SELF – ASSESSMENT REPORT : SAR of MAHACHULALONGKORN RAJAVIDYALAYAUNIVERSITY KHON KAEN CAMPUS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 7(2), 193–202. Retrieved from
Research Article


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