
  • Pradchana Namkot Northeastern University,Thailand
  • ดร.อาคม อึ่งพวง Northeastern University, Thailand


Academic Administration, Learner Quality, Basic Educational Institutions affiliated with the Division of Education, Loei Municipality


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of Academic Affairs administration in basic educational institutions under Division of Education, Loei Municipality, 2) to study the level of students’ quality in basic educational institutions under Division of Education, Loei Municipality and 3) to study the relationship between Academic Affairs administration and students’ quality in basic educational institutions under Division of Education, Loei Municipality. The sample group used in this research consisted of 103 teachers of schools under Division of Education, Lei Municipality. The research instrument was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with reliability of 0.94. The statistics used for analyzing data comprised percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's Moment Correlation.


The research results were found that:


  1. Academic Affairs administration of basic educational institutions under Division of Education, Loei Municipality, in overall, was rated at a high level, when considering in each aspects, it was found that the practice arranging from the most to the least average was as follows: the aspect of research to improve educational quality, development of media, innovation and educational technology, educational supervision, development of internal quality assurance system, development of learning process, measurement and assessment and credit transfer and development of learning resources.
  2. Students’ quality in basic education institutions under Division of Education, Loei Municipality, in overall, was rated at the highest level, when considering in each aspect, it was found that the quality arranging from the most to the least average was as follows: The 3rd standard, the students had skills in searching for knowledge by oneself, loved learning and developed oneself continuously. The 1st standard: Students had good health and aesthetics. The 2nd standard: Students had morality, ethics and desirable values. The 4th standard: Students had the ability to think systematically, creative thinking, make decision to solve problems reasonably. The 5th standard: Students had necessary knowledge and basic skills required by curriculum. The 6th standard: Students had skills for working, loved working, able to work with others and had a good attitude towards honest occupation.
  3. The relationship between Academic Affairs administration and students’ quality in basic educational institutions under Division of Education, Loei Municipality had a positive relationship and was rated at a high level with statistical significance at .01 level.


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How to Cite

Namkot, P. ., & อึ่งพวง ด. (2021). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ADMINISTRATION AND STUDENTS’ QUALITY IN SCHOOLSUNDER LOEI MUNICIPALITY EDUCATION DIVISION. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (Online), 7(2), 102–113. Retrieved from



Research Article