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This article aims to 1) To study the role of Wat Thai Koh Yai Towards the Thai-Mon community way of life Thai Koh Yai House In Sam Khok District Pathumthani Province 2) To study the link between Wat Thai Koh Yai and Thai-Mon communities Thai Koh Yai House In order to preserve and restore the cultural heritage to be continued, there were two interviews, the first set of interviews with villagers and temple committees, and the second set of interviews with monks. The selected sample population consisted of (1) a group of 4 villagers. (2) a group of 3 temple directors (3) a group of 3 monks (4) a group of 3 temples
The results of the research were as follows: The role of Wat Thai Koh Yai in the Thai-Mon community way of life Thai Koh Yai House. There is still a connection and the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage through activities. 1) On the part of the villagers and the temple committee Such as temple treasures management (care Maintenance and repair of buildings inside the temple), assisting in various activities within the temple (Songkran Festival, Mon Monk bathing) and doing activities for monks (performing various ceremonies) are all inserted in the conservation of Mon culture heritage 2) in the temple part, for example, as a festival venue. It is an arts, culture center and a place to perform rituals. They all have to use the building to do activities. 3) In the part of the monks, such as ethical training. Dharma propagation Mental development Promoting and preserving arts and culture With emphasis on The sermon hall, the temple prayer hall, from the various programs mentioned above, makes it known that the Mon cultural heritage of Wat Thai Koh Yai and Ban Tai Koh Yai community remains strong and well-connected as long as there are Buddhist activities.
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