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Kasamaporn Jaiwong
Sudakarn Pattamadilok


          The purpose of the study were 1) develop and find the suitability of lesson plans the using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition technique 2) to study the effects of cooperative learning using a Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition technique to develop English reading comprehension achievement and 3) to study their group working behaviors towards Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition technique. The sample consisted of 30 Grade 4 students in Anuban Phrae School, Muang Phrae District , Phrae Province.

          The instruments used for gathering data were lesson plans based on Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition technique, an English reading comprehension test and a student’s group working behaviors observation checklists. The study employed a t-test, arithmetic means for data analysis.

          The findings revealed that : 1) the suitability of lessons plan that using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition technique is about 4.74-5.00 points (very good/excellent) 2) the students’ reading comprehension achievement scores of the post-test were higher than those of the pre-test with the statistical significance at the .05 level and the group working behaviors of students taught by Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition technique was at the high level.

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How to Cite
Jaiwong, K. ., & Pattamadilok, S. . (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION USING COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOSITION (CIRC) OF GRADE 4 STUDENTS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 8(1), 56–69. Retrieved from
Research Article


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