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Sarita Patjusanon
Patcharin Suesawatee


         This documentary research study aimed to investigate representation of good child in 100 online social news by using Critical Discourse Analysis, Representation and SPEAKING and the findings were presented in analytical descriptive way.  

         The research results were found that:

  1. the study of language strategies using to represent a good child that there were 9 words or groups containing the establishment of a good child such as a good child is a good role model, and a good child is a good member of society and country.

  1. Discourse practice relating to create representation includes: 1. a process to produce and distribute the contents: The contents of social news are produced by mass media with the main purpose to present news or incidents occurring in a daily basis. 2. Then, it has been passed through selection process with the purpose to implant desirable characteristics of  a good child as well as to transfer value of good child that Thai society need.

  1. the processes of consumption and interpretation. The representation of desirable characteristics of a good child can be interpreted in several ways through the news or incident reporting. In addition, sociocultural practice also has an impact on creation of representation of a good child. They are values on seniority, the loyalty on nation, religion and, monarchy, and education. Moreover, the representation of a good child influences on the establishment of duty of good child to have desirable characteristics.

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How to Cite
Patjusanon, S., & Suesawatee, P. . (2024). THE REPRESENTATION OF GOOD CHILD IN ONLINE SOCIAL NEWS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 10(1), 19–35. Retrieved from
Research Article


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