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Kanyaphak Phumyaem
Nattachet Pooncharoen


This research is qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to study effective active learning management of economics for visually impaired students in Chiangmai. Key informants (9 involving experts) compose of 1) social studies teachers in the regular secondary schools in Chiangmai 2) special education teachers who teach social studies and 3) visual impaired students who attend the secondary schools. To achieve the research objective, we divided the scope of the research into 6 areas namely 1) teachers, 2) students with visual impairments, 3) content, 4) learning materials, 5) learning activities, and 6) the atmosphere of learning management. Data were collected by non-participant observations and semi-structured interviews and validated by triangular methods. Thematic and synthetic analysis were then applied and interpreted for a guideline of an effective active learning management of economics for visually impaired students in Chiangmai.

The results revealed that regular secondary schools and schools for the blind had appropriate learning management conditions in various fields but lacked learning materials for students with the visual impairment. Economics was, from teachers’ experience, a difficult subject for learners to understand. However, to a certain extent, the school managed the learning activities effectively. But what can be done more is simply the use of active learning and the child center approach that open more opportunities for students to participate and access the content closer to their life. Teachers should stimulate students by using learning tools appropriately and at the same time create a better learning environment for their special students.

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How to Cite
Phumyaem, K. ., & Pooncharoen, N. (2022). EFFECTIVE ACTIVE LEARNING MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMICS FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS IN CHIANGMAI. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 8(3), 46–63. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/261497
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