
  • Phramaha Buaphan Chandasobhano (Prasangkhatho) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Khonkaen Campus, Thailand
  • Phrakhruwarathammathat Phukhamao Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Khonkaen Campus, Thailand


Buddhist communication, communication for life-quality development


The objective of this thematic paper were to study a concept of the Buddhist communication in Tipitaka and to analyze a concept of communication and life-quality development.

          A result of this study was found that This era is the new media era. with the fusion of various media together and it is extremely necessary to communicate in a Buddhist way, that is, relying on dharma principles as a regulator or accompaniment in order to improve the quality of life of the audience for the principles that need to be embraced in communication for the life-quality development was found that there was Dhamma applied to the communication. Dhamma supported the sender's quality was good friendship, living without bias, ten methods of making merit and knowledge and good behaviour. Dhamma for high qualities of a message was solitude (a message of living), Four Noble Truths (a message of attaining truths), five aggregates (a message of learning the elements, conditions and development of life), objects of sympathy (a message of living together), states of conciliation (a message of harmony), virtues of the righteous (a message of growing the skill of life), and Threefold Training (a message of developing the alternative life). Dhamma for the high quality of the communicational medium was sense-organs and sense-objects. Dhamma for the receiver was proper attention (a thinking process) and mindfulness (knowing a message clearly) from all the principles if used for communication It is believed that the recipient will improve their quality of life. in accordance with the threefold principles and bring benefits to society as a whole


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How to Cite

Chandasobhano (Prasangkhatho), P. B. ., & Phukhamao, P. . (2022). THE BUDDHIST COMMUNICATION FOR THE LIFE QUALITY DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 8(1), 335–347. Retrieved from



Academic Article