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Mewika Boonchoei
Sudakarn Patamadilok


     This research aims to: 1) develop Electronic books (E-books) in Adjectives for Matthayomsuksa 4 Students in Saluang Pittayakom School according to the efficiency of 70/70; 2) find an academic achievement after using the Electronic Books (E-books) in Adjectives; and 3) study the students’ opinions after using the Electronic Books (E-books) on Adjectives for Matthayomsuksa 4 Students in Saluang Pittayakom School by interviewing.  The samples consisted of 42 Matthayomsuksa 4 Students at Saluang Pittayakom School, Amphoe Muang, Phichit Province in the academic year 2/2020. The tools included five lessons in the form of Electronic Books (E-books) designed by the researcher in Basic English Grammar Course for high school students on the topic “Adjectives,” 10 items achievement test on adjectives, and an interview form. The statistical instruments were average, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.

              The study revealed that: 1) the development of the designed Electronic Books   (E-books) was suitable at a high level and met the expected efficiency at 80.44/70.00; 2) after using the  E-books, students’ English learning achievement scores were significantly higher than those before the instruction at 0.5; 3) the students’ overall opinions after using the Electronic Books was at the Very Good level, and most of them thought that the  E-books’ graphic and design were beautiful or that the E-books were easy to use and learn.

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How to Cite
Boonchoei, M. ., & Patamadilok, S. . (2022). A DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC BOOKS (E-BOOKS) ON ADJECTIVES FOR MATTHAYOMSUKSA 4 STUDENTS IN SALUANG PITTAYAKOM SCHOOL, PHICHIT PROVINC. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (Online), 8(3), 166–179. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/263153
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