The Learning Management Model for Preserving Thai History on Nakhon Phanom Miracle of Students Under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Service Area


  • Phrakhrusangkharaksiraphop Jariud
  • Niraj Ruangsan
  • Somkhuan Namseethan


The Learning Management, Model for Preserving Thai History, Nakhon Phanom Miracle


            The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the problems and ways to develop the learning management for preserving the Thai history on ‘the Nakhon Phanom Miracle’ of students under the Nakhon Phanom secondary education service area; (2) to develop the learning management model for preserving Thai history on Nakhon Phanom Miracle of students under the Nakhon Phanom secondary education service area; (3) to apply the developed model; (4) to study the effectiveness of the model. This research used the research and development research methods (R&D). The sample group of this research consisted of 109 students, 6 key informants, and 50 students in the target group. The statistics used in the research were: Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test (Dependent).

The research results were as follows:

        1) The problematic level on the learning management for preserving Thai history on ‘the Nakhon Phanom Miracle’ of students under the Nakhon Phanom secondary education service area was statistically rated at the moderate level. The learning

management model for preserving the Thai history on ‘the Nakhon Phanom Miracle’ of students under the secondary education service area, Nakhon Phanom Province has the following components: (1) principles; (2) objectives; (3) content; (4) teaching methods; (5) measurement and evaluation.

       2) The quality assessment of the learning management model for preserving Thai history on ‘the Nakhon Phanom Miracle’ of students under the secondary education service area, Nakhon Phanom Province Overall was at the highest level in terms of its appropriateness, accuracy, possibility, and the benefits of using the model for learning management to preserve Thai history.

        3) The achievement test average score after using the learning management model to preserve Thai history on ‘the Nakhon Phanom Miracle’ of students under the secondary education service area, Nakhon Phanom Province was higher than before the study with a statistical significance level of .05.

       4) The satisfaction of the fourth-year secondary school students at Ummomaprachasan School, That Phanom District, Nakhon Phanom Province with the learning management model was at a high level. The level of quality assessment of the learning management model was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Jariud, P., Ruangsan, N., & Namseethan, S. (2023). The Learning Management Model for Preserving Thai History on Nakhon Phanom Miracle of Students Under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Service Area . Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 9(4), 312–328. retrieved from



Research Article