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Pongniran Authaikanchanakul


         The primary objective of this academic article is to investigate the pivotal roles and responsibilities of election commissions, operating as independent organizations in the management of elections at various levels, encompassing national, provincial, and local levels. These commissions are considered essential mechanisms that aid and bolster election committees at all levels, ensuring that they operate with integrity and fairness in the election processes. Specifically, in the context of parliamentary elections, it has come to light that election commissions encounter several challenges, particularly related to their impartiality and efficiency in discharging their duties. These challenges include issues such as a lack of impartiality, deficiencies in knowledge, expertise, and practical experience in election management, and more. These challenges can often be traced back to incomplete election laws or may be attributed to the composition of election commission personnel, including both permanent staff and temporary appointees who assist in general elections. Consequently, there is a pressing need to revise and reform the regulations governing election commissions, particularly those concerning their roles and responsibilities. Such revisions aim to align these organizations with the contemporary landscape, enabling them to perform their duties with increased efficiency and effectiveness.

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How to Cite
Authaikanchanakul, P. . . (2024). THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ELECTION COMMISSIONS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 10(2), 354–360. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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