The Development of an Internal Supervision Model to Enhance Active Learning for Teachers in Chumchonprachasamakkee School Under Kamphaeng Phet Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • Vipa Banyen Chumchonprachasamakkee School, Kamphaeng Phet Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, Office of The Basic Education Commission.


The Developed Model, Internal Supervision, Active Learning


The research of development of internal supervision model to enhance to active learning for teacher in Chumchonprachasamakkee school under Kamphaeng Phet primary educational service area office 2 was purposed 1) to study current, problems and requirements for internal supervision; 2) to build and develop the internal supervision model; 3) to study the results of using model of internal supervision and 4) to study the satisfaction with the use of internal supervision model to enhance to active learning for teacher in Chumchonprachasamakkee School under Kamphaeng Phet primary educational service area office 2. This research and development were conducted in 4 phases, namely; 1) study current problem and requirements for internal supervision, 2) to build and develop the internal supervision model, 3) to study the results of using model of internal supervision and 4) to study the satisfaction with the use of internal supervision model to Enhance to Active Learning for Teacher in Chumchonprachasamakkee School. The research results were found that: 1. The finding of the study of current, problems and requirements for internal supervision to enhance to active learning for teacher in Chumchonprachasamakkee school showed that the working condition of internal supervision was overall at level low and discontinuous, teacher lack knowledge and understanding about planning and proactive active learning, teacher need to develop new internal supervision model and use innovation and technology appropriately, need the Kalyanamitta and participatory supervision to be able to enhance to active learning correctly and effective. 2. The internal supervision model to enhance active learning for teacher in Chumchonprachasamakkee school found it was consisted of: 1) principles and concepts ; 2) objectives; 3) content; 4) 7 Ch. internal supervision process; it consists of 7 sub-components: Ch1: Use information, Ch2: Help to plan supervision, Ch3: Link to supervision strategy, Ch4: Invite to jointly conduct supervision, Ch5: Help and knowledge sharing, Ch6: Clearly evaluate results, summarize, report, and Ch7: Praise and honor achievements and 5) Success conditions. The results of evaluating the accuracy, propriety, feasibility and utility of the model were found at the highest level. 3. The results of evaluating active learning of teacher after using the internal supervision model to enhance to active learning for teacher in Chumchonprachasamakkee school found that the overall mean was at the highest level. And when compared the criteria, it was found that every criterion was passed. 4. The satisfaction of supervised teachers toward the internal supervision model to enhance to active learning for teacher in Chumchonprachasamakkee school was at the highest level. And when compared the criteria, it was found that every criterion was passed.


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How to Cite

Banyen, V. . (2024). The Development of an Internal Supervision Model to Enhance Active Learning for Teachers in Chumchonprachasamakkee School Under Kamphaeng Phet Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(3), 66–78. Retrieved from



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