Sufficiency Economy of His Majesty the King: Dimension of Application
sufficiency economy, applicationAbstract
The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy is a philosophy for living that His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, The Great bestowed upon the Thai people as a guideline for sustainable living and practice. It serves as both a method and a goal for decision-making to achieve progress while maintaining balance and preparing for changes brought about by globalization. Central to this philosophy are moderation, prudence, and the development of resilience, supported by conditions of knowledge and moral integrity. When applied at the individual, family, community, or national level, it fosters strength and sustainability. The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy can be implemented across various levels, including individuals, organizations, communities, and government, as a foundation for national development. This approach leads to resilience and reflects the advancement of a sustainable Thai society for generations to come.
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