
  • Phrakhru Pariyatwisutthikhun Mahachulakongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus
  • Phra Parachya Chayawutto Mahachulakongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus
  • Thanarat Sa-ard-iam Mahachulakongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus
  • Phra Athikarn Weang Kittiwanno Mahachulakongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus
  • Theerathip Phuangjantra Mahachulakongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus
  • Phramaha Maghavin Purisuttamo Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrakhrusriprechakorn Wat Sri Eiam Bangkok


Development, Foundation Economic, Prasat Khmer, Surin Province



The research consisted of the following objectives: 1) to study the history and activities of the Khmer community in Surin province, 2) to product development and tourism service model of the Prasat Khmer community in Surin province 3) to develop tourist routes of Prasat Khmer community in Surin province and 4) to study management mechanisms and tourism networks of Prasat Khmer community in Surin province. The study applied the research and development method. The analytical description method presented the data collected from the educational documentaries and in-depth interviews and focus groups with the 198 key informants. The results of the research showed that: 1) The history and activities of the Khmer community in Surin province were found that Regarding the history of the Khmer castle community in Surin, from the archaeological evidence excavated in the area of ​​Surin province, there are many ancient civilizations of the Late Metal Age community, representing the prosperity of art, architecture, culture, religion, economy, and governance, and the oldest most ancient stone castle. 2) Tourism activities of the Prasat Khmer community in Surin, from the study, there were only 12 Khmer castles that the local government, the private sector, and the community-supported tourism activities in the Khmer castle area. 3) Tourism management of the Khmer castle community in Surin Province, from limitations in many areas including the integrity of the Khmer castle itself, the attractiveness of the Khmer castle is less. 2) The product development and tourism service model of the Prasat Khmer community in Surin province was found that 1)the social and cultural costs of the Prasat Khmer Community in Surin Province was found that  Surin was an old province with a distinctive cultural and lifestyle identity between 2009 and 2019. There are three cultural pearls of wisdom that have been declared as follows a national cultural wisdom heritage list (2) B.E. 2553 (2) 2013, was declared a national cultural wisdom heritage list (4) B.E. 2560 (2015). 2) Product development of Khmer Castle Community in Surin Province found that the creation of goods from the social and cultural costs of Khmer Castle Community is a local cultural heritage in Surin Province. (1) Brand: The logo of each, with a motif from Khmer castle, which is culturally capitalized, designed as a symbol, taking into account the distinctiveness and vibe of the Khmer civilization. Help make it a tourist spotlight. (2) Silk product packaging: Surin province is home to many silk products. (3) Khom Castle Pattern Glass: One (3.3) Prasat Bhumbon Saliva Glass: Use the stripes of ancient khom goods that appear in front of the entrance to Bhumibol Castle and the arch, and (3.4) Prasat Ta Muean Saliva Glass: 3) development of the tourism service model of Khom Castle community in Surin Province was found that the development of the tourism service model of the Khom Castle community in Surin province was found. Tourism style by Khom Castle Community and Community-Based Tourism -CBT in four Khom Castle communities in Surin Province includes 3) The developed tourist routes of the Prasat Khmer community in Surin province were found that there are religious and cultural tourism routes used for human travel for short-term recreation from one place to another in Surin province. There are 4 Khmer castle tourism routes in this research: Prasat Sikhoraphum, Prasat Chang Pee, and Prasat Phum Phon. And Ta Muen Castle To travel to visit or study Sikhoraphum castle can be traversed by private car. 4) The management mechanisms and tourism networks of the Prasat Khmer community in Surin province were found Mechanisms that drive tourism to the Khmer castle in Surin include: Constitution. This government policy supports the conservation and tourism of ancient sites and community tourism. The Fine Arts Department by the Surin National Museum is a resource to educate about ancient relics, antiques, and information about the Khmer castle in Surin. 5) The body of Knowledge was found that the model of foundation economic development of Prasat Khmer community in Surin province known as the development model known as “Khmer Surin-Model.”


The details are as follows:(1) K- Knowledge means having Knowledge that is local wisdom developed internationally, (2) H –Honesty means loyalty to customers and stakeholders in all sectors, (3) M- Morality means adherence to business symmetrical principles, (4) E- E-commerce means create patterns and channels of trading on the internet.(5) R- Resource means resources what is a social and cultural cost, (6) S- Speech means right speech and creative communication (7) U- Unity means solidarity community unity, and (8) R- Responsibility means responsibility to oneself, society and the public.



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How to Cite

Phrakhru Pariyatwisutthikhun, Chayawutto, P. P. ., Sa-ard-iam, T. ., Phra Athikarn Weang Kittiwanno, Phuangjantra, T. ., Phramaha Maghavin Purisuttamo, & Phrakhrusriprechakorn. (2022). FOUNDATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF PRASAT KHMER COMMUNITY IN SURIN PROVINCE. journal of Buddhist Studies Vanam Dongrak, 9(1), 133–150. retrieved from



Research Articles