Results of Challenge-Based Learning Activity in Innovation and Information Technology for Educational Communication and Learning for B.Ed.Students

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prawit simmatun


          The objectives of this research include to 1) develop the subject’s learning plans based on Challenge-based learning activity in Innovation and Information Technology for Educational Communication and Learning course. 2) compare the students’ achievement before and after learning with thee model. The samples consisted of 24 B.Ed.Students, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha sarakham University. The research tools were 1) 4 learning management plans (4 hours each / 16 hours) with the consistency at the most appropriate level. 2) The quality assessment of learning management plans was proved by the experts. 3) an achievement test (50 multiple-choices test) with 0.73 of the reliability values. Mean and Standard Deviation (S.D.) were used for data analysis. Besides, Paired Samples t-test was employed for the hypothesis test.
          The findings were as follows: 1) The result of the quality assessment of challenge-based learning management was at the best level. 2) The comparison achievement results found that after learning with the model the sample’ achievement scores were statistical significant at .05.

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How to Cite
simmatun, prawit. (2023). Results of Challenge-Based Learning Activity in Innovation and Information Technology for Educational Communication and Learning for B.Ed.Students. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(3), 77–84. retrieved from
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