Development of Information and Communication Technology Literacy Skills Using Blended Learning

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Wassana Chachiyo
Manop Chachiyo


          This research aims to: 1) develop of blended learning to promote Information and communication Technology Literacy; 2) Compare students’ learning achievement before and after learning the developed management results using active learning management to promote Information and communication technology literacy; and 3) To study Information and communication technology literacy skills from the developed learning management model. The target group consists of 9 experts in learning management and digital technology and 25 students majoring in computer education by purposing sampling. The research instruments include: 1) Blended Learning to promote Information and communication Technology Literacy, 2) Lesson plan for the blended learning course 3) achievement of learning test and 4) Information and communication Technology Literacy assessment form.
          The research findings indicate that: 1) The developed Blended Learning to promote Information and communication Technology Literacy is of the high quality (x̅=4.20, S.D.=0.69), 2) the students’ learning achievement after using Blended Learning to promote Information and communication Technology Literacy were higher than before learning at the statistically significant level of .05 and 3) The Information and communication technology literacy of the students who participated in the Blended Learning to promote Information and communication technology literacy are at good level, with 60 percent achieving the desired level.

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How to Cite
Chachiyo, W., & Chachiyo, M. (2023). Development of Information and Communication Technology Literacy Skills Using Blended Learning. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(3). Retrieved from
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