Promoting Collaborative Work Through Blended Learning with Project-Based Learning for 4th Grade Students at Ban Nong Rua Primary School in Roi Et Province

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Nattawut Norachan
Songsak Songsanit
Prawit Simmatun


The objectives of this research are to 1) study the implementation of collaborative group work through blended learning with project-based learning for fourth-grade students at Ban Nong Rua School. 2) investigate group work among students through blended learning using project-based learning and 3) examine the satisfaction of students after participating in blended learning using project-based learning for fourth-grade students at Ban Nong Rua School. The target group for this research included fourth-grade students at Ban Nong Rua Primary School, Roi Et Province under the Office of Primary Education Service, Roi Et Area 2, in the second semester of the academic year 2022, comprising 1 classroom with 9 students. The research tools consisted of 1) instructional plan for blended learning with project-based learning, 2) group work behavior assessment form, 3) a student behavior log, and 4) satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation.
The results showed that: 1) Engaging in learning activities to promote teamwork through blended learning with project-based approaches involves a comprehensive 6-step learning management process: (1) Define topics and organize students into groups. (2) Plan the workflow. (3) Conduct research. (4) Prepare for presentation. (5) Present information. and (6) Evaluate the results. It is observed that organizing such learning activities stimulates students’ curiosity, keeping them engaged and awakened at all times. They find joy and excitement in the activities, fostering confidence, pride, and a sense of fulfillment in creatively producing their own works. 2) The students’ overall group work behavior is at a satisfactory level, with the analysis of the group work behavior assessment in operational cycle 2 revealing that their performance is generally at a high-quality level. 3) The students express a high level of satisfaction with blended learning through project-based approaches. Overall, their satisfaction level is rated as high.

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How to Cite
Norachan, N., Songsanit, S., & Simmatun, P. (2024). Promoting Collaborative Work Through Blended Learning with Project-Based Learning for 4th Grade Students at Ban Nong Rua Primary School in Roi Et Province. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 21(1), 84–92. retrieved from
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