The Creative-Based Learning (CBL) Cooperated with Video Lessons on Photoshop for Enhancing Creative Thinking and Learning Achievement

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Doungjun Sookwichai


This study investigated the effectiveness of an innovative lesson plans of Creativity-Based Learning (CBL) cooperated with video lessons. The four main objectives were: 1) Assess the innovative lesson plans of CBL cooperated with video lessons on Photoshop for Mathayom Suksa 2 students with the effective criteria (E1/E2) of 80/80, 2) Compare pre- and post-learning achievement of the students in the implementation of the innovative lesson plans, 3) Examine pre- and post-creative thinking levels of the students in the implementation of the innovative lesson plans and 4) Investigate students’ satisfaction on the innovative lesson plans. The sample comprised of 20 students from Thakon Yang Pittayakom School, Kantharawichai District, Mahasarakham Province, during the 2021 academic year. The One Group Pretest-Posttest Design was conducted within 22 hours. The data collection utilized: 1) The innovative lesson plans of CBL, 2) The 11 video lessons on Photoshop based on the content of 4 learning units, 3) The 4 options pre- and post-learning achievement tests for 30 items, 4) The Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP) and 4) The satisfaction questionnaire. Data analysis involved percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test, and content analysis.
Results showed that: 1) The developed innovative lesson plans achieved the effective criteria (E1/E2) of 82.50/81.00, 2) Learning achievement of the sample statistically increased at the significant level of .05, 3) Overall- and each component-creative thinking levels of the sample statistically increased at the significant level of .05 and 4) The outcome of students’ satisfaction on the innovative lesson plans revealed that the sample rated satisfaction score as 4.01.

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How to Cite
Sookwichai, D. (2024). The Creative-Based Learning (CBL) Cooperated with Video Lessons on Photoshop for Enhancing Creative Thinking and Learning Achievement. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 21(1), 183–191. Retrieved from
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