Instructional Guidelines for the Operation of AUN-QA Criteria Development of Bachelor of Education Program in Social Studies

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Pawinyaphat Woraphan
Anchalee Srikolchan


The aim of this research was to propose instructional guidelines for the operation of AUN-QA criteria development of undergraduate education program, social studies major. This qualitative research study reviewed context of the undergraduate social studies curriculum and the operation according to AUN-QA criteria. The study considered on four criteria: 1) Learning Outcomes, 2) Program Specification, 3) Program Structure and Content and 4) Teaching and Learning Strategy by employing in-depth interviews and focus group. The research results found that: 1) The Learning Outcomes had guidelines for determining the Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) to reach the curriculum learning outcomes. 2) The Program Specification designated subjects in the curriculum into 4 parts: general education subjects, teaching professional subjects, free elective subjects and major subjects. The program had an annual meeting every year for the discussion of teaching and learning design of the major subjects, in order to, review the currency of courses and the consistency of courses with the expected learning outcomes, as well as, communicate between the corresponding teachers. 3) The Program Structure and Content of the curriculum emphasized on the required competencies in the 21st century, in addition to competencies in using technology for communication and creating innovative learning. The courses have been adjusted to allow students’ expression of these competencies and harmonize the learning activities with the specified ELOs and teaching and learning strategies. And 4) the Teaching and Learning Strategy was organized using the Active Learning approach with recruit students participation in a course design. Each subject provided teaching and learning activities focusing knowledge based on social science and the implementation of the knowledge into classroom practices.

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How to Cite
Woraphan, P., & Srikolchan, A. (2024). Instructional Guidelines for the Operation of AUN-QA Criteria Development of Bachelor of Education Program in Social Studies. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 21(1), 169–182. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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