
  • Wiruch Wiruchnipawan มหาวิทยาลัยอีสเทิร์นเอเชีย


Administration, public service, the Digital Era Administration Concept


                Objectives of this study were to examine problems, improvement guidelines, and improvement guidelines model of administration for people services of the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority in accordance with the Digital Era Administration Concept. Methodology of this research was designed the research design as mixed methods research applying quantitative research as a principal and qualitative research as a supplementary. The quantitative research was survey research collecting large field data with questionnaires. The questionnaires passed try out of validity check at level of 0.89 and reliability check at level of 0.85. Population was all 5,682,415 people residing in the areas of 50 Districts of the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority. Total of 1,109 samples in 4 Districts: Suan Luang, Bangkok Noi, Wangthonglang, and Thonburi Districts, were calculated by using Taro Yamane’s formula. Field data collection was operated during December 1-30, 2019, and total 972 completed sets of questionnaire equal to 87.65% of the 1,109 total samples were returned. Data analysis was represented in contingency table with descriptive approach. Descriptive Statistics exercised were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. For qualitative data, in-depth interview of 5 experts, selected by the Snowball Sampling Concept with face to face interview of at least 60 minute each and structured in-depth interview form, was also applied.

          Findings of this research were (1) the major problem was the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority' s giving insufficient significance to the people services focusing on benefits and needs of the people, (2) the major improvement guideline of administration was the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority should increasingly perform the people services with concentration on benefits, needs, and satisfaction of the people, and (3) the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority should create and apply the improvement guidelines model of administration for people services in accordance with the Digital Era Administration Concept as the Key Performance Indicators and implement practically and continuously. Further model development should also be done. The model should consist of 5 aspects arranging in descending order as follows: People, Democracy, Convenience, Dependability, and Coordination Network.


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How to Cite

Wiruchnipawan, W. . (2020). ADMINISTRATION FOR PEOPLE SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIGITAL ERA ADMINISTRATION CONCEPT . Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 6(1), 44–59. retrieved from



Research Article