Further education Master's Degree Buddhism and Philosophy Program Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus
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This survey research has the objectives to study 1) To study the need to study for a Master's degree in Buddhism for Development 2) to study opinions on the curriculum. Department of Buddhism for Development Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus and 3) Recommendations for Master's Degree Studies Department of Buddhism for Development Mahamakut Buddhist University Isaan Campus The sample group is a group of people who have opinions and desires to study for a master's degree. Buddhist Science for Development Program, 345 people in 20 provinces in the Northeast Data were collected using questionnaires. Analyze the data by percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results of the study were as follows:
- A respondent wants to study for a master's degree. Department of Buddhism for Development Mahamakut Buddhist University Isaan Campus Classified by status as a whole. There was 82.61 percent of the need for further education.
- The respondents had opinions about the Master's program. Department of Buddhism for Development Mahamakut Buddhist University Isaan Campus In general, there was a high level of opinion. Has a mean of 4.32
- Respondents have suggestions for studying for a master's degree. Department of Buddhism for Development Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus: Curriculum should be developed to accommodate rapidly changing technology. In teaching and learning management It should provide a form of teaching and learning that is conducive to students who work with them. And there should be a system to ensure that the picture of thesis work is done on time and quality.
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