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Tourism is considered to be a great benefit for the nation that can promote economy, social, culture, nature and environment. In order to promote tourism industry the ministry of tourism and sports with the department of tourism had created the tourism development plan 2nd version (2561 – 2564) which included the guideline for action and development plan face 5 under the vision “Thai tourism moving forward to develop Thailand to be the world leader in quality tourism” in order to promote economy, society and sustainability income The five strategies implemented were 1) developing tourist resource, goods and service 2) Infrastructure and facility development 3) tourism personnel development and community cooperation 4) create the balance of tourism and local market with Thai culture in order to promote trust and confidence. 5) The Collaborative management of tourism and international collaboration. In summary, the development of tourism strategy is significant because, 1) Thailand has many world leading attractions, 2) having balance growth, 3) with Thailand as the basic base, 4) enhancing the development of social and population wealth distribution and 5) sustainable development. The Buddhist tourism of Thailand is significant by using the Buddhist temples and location as the promotion theme.
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