
  • Chayanit Kositpimanvech Northeastern University, Thailand
  • Niyada Piampuechana Northeastern University, Thailand


Guidelines, Development of Transformational Leadership, Private Schools


The purposes of this research were to study the current situation, the desirable conditions and needs for the development of transformational leadership in private schools and guidelines for the development of transformational leadership in private schools, Khon Kaen province. The sample group consisted of 127 school administrators and 218 teachers, with the total number of 345 teachers. The sample size was determined by Taro Yamane formula (1973) using stratified random sampling method. The instrument used for data collection was 5-level rating scale questionnaires with the content validity (IOC) of 0.67– 1.00 and reliability of the whole questionnaire at 0.91. The statistics used to analyze data comprised percentage, frequency, mean, PNI modified index, Median and Inter Quartile Range.

          The research results were found that:

  1. The current situation of transformational leadership development in private schools, Khon Kaen province, in overall, was rated at a moderate level, when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest practice was inspiration, followed by cognitive motivation, the aspect with the lowest practice was individualized consideration, the desirable conditions of transformational leadership development in private schools, Khon Kaen province, in overall, were at the highest level, when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was inspiration, followed by idealized influence of charismatic leadership, the aspect with the lowest average was cognitive motivation, the needs for transformational leadership development in private schools, Khon Kaen province were found that the aspect with the highest needs was idealized influence of charismatic leadership and individualized consideration, followed by cognitive motivation, the aspect with the least needs was inspiration.
  2. Guidelines for the development of transformational leadership in private schools in Khon Kaen province were as follows: 1) On aspect of idealized influence of charismatic leadership, administrators should develop transformational leadership by showing a clear vision, teachers were encouraged to have confidence in performance. 2) On aspect of individualized consideration, administrators should continually encourage teachers by providing advice and assistance in working to achieve the goals. 3) On aspect of cognitive motivation, it was found that administrators should guide teachers to be able to work systematically and encourage teachers to be creative until able to produce a variety of work. 4) On aspect of inspiration, administrators should have participatory management by encouraging teachers to have team-working and should provide incentive for teachers to achieve the goals of work performance.


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How to Cite

Kositpimanvech, C. ., & Piampuechana, N. . (2022). GUIDELNES FOR TRANSTOR MATIONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE SEHOOL IN KHONKAEN PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 8(1), 70–80. Retrieved from



Research Article