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Passawan Shitthikorn
Suraphon Promgun


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the level of behavior in exercising rights of re-election of members of the House of Representatives; in Khon Kaen 7th Constituency; 2) to study the level of behavior in the exercise of rights of re-election of members of the House of Representatives; in Khon Kaen 7th Constituency according to the Five Precepts; 3) to compare the behavior in the exercise of rights of re-election of members of the House of Representatives; in Khon Kaen 7th Constituency, classified by individual factors; 4) to study the guidelines for promoting the behavior in the exercise of rights of re-election of members of the House of Representatives; in Khon Kaen 7th Constituency. The sample group used in the study consisted of 400 people and 8 key informants. The instruments used were questionnaires and interview forms. The obtained data were analyzed using the social science program package and the descriptive content analysis.

The research results were as follows:

1) The behavior in exercising rights of re-election of members of the House of Representatives; in Khon Kaen 7th Constituency was at the moderate level.  2) The behavior in the exercise of rights of re-election of members of the House of Representatives; in Khon Kaen 7th Constituency according to the Five Precepts was at a high level. 3) The results of the comparison of the electoral behavior of the people found that the people with differences in sex, education levels, occupations, incomes and behaviors according to the Five Precepts had different electoral behaviors based on the statistical significance level of 0.05; while those with different ages, there was no difference in election behavior. 4) The guidelines for promoting the behavior in the exercise of rights of re-election of members of the House of Representatives; in Khon Kaen 7th Constituency are that the government should bring moral principles to create awareness of their duties, encourage the public to realize that the exercise of voting rights is now a legal duty and an important civic duty. For the public sector, community and religious leaders should encourage the adoption of the Five Precepts for consideration. This should be used to select qualified applicants to run the country for the benefit of the people of the nation.

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How to Cite
Shitthikorn, P. ., & Promgun, S. . (2022). MANAGING BENEFITS, REPAIRING MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL REGULATIONS IN OTHER PROVINCES OF KHON KAEN, BOUNDARY NUMBER 7. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 8(3), 36–45. Retrieved from
Research Article


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