
  • Porntip Keawkham Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Thailand
  • Angkana Onthanee Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Thailand


activities, cognitively guided instruction, statistical literacy


This independent study aims to (1) onstruct and evaluate the Effectiveness index of using cognitively guided instruction (CGI) for encouraging statistical literacy of grade 5 students and 2) to experiment on cognitively guided instruction (CGI) with learning activities. The study has been conducted by 2 steps research methodology and development. A sample group was twelve grade 5 students who were studying during semester 2 academic year, 2020 at Banpaiyai school, Phichit Province that were chosen by Cluster sampling. The research tools used consisted of 1) learning activities with cognitively guided instruction (CGI) 2) the measurement test of statistical literacy. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent. The results revealed that

  1. The learning activities with cognitively guided instruction (CGI) had 4 steps; 1) Problem presentation step 2) to analyze and resolve the problem 3) to report the result and problem solving 4) to discuss and problem solving. The result of this study had appropriate and high quality ( = 4.88, S.D. = 0.13) and the lesson plan had appropriate and highest quality. ( = 4.95, S.D.= 0.08). The Effectiveness Index was at 0.52
  2. The result of using cognitively guided instruction (CGI) learning activities were as Ability of statistical literacy with cognitively guided instruction (CGI) by learning activities indicated that the student had ability of statistical literacy after studying with cognitively guided instruction was higher than that before that learning at .05 level of significance.



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How to Cite

Keawkham, P. ., & Onthanee , A. . (2022). A DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES BY COGNITIVELY GUIDED INSTRUCTION (CGI) TO PROMOTE STATISTICAL LITERACY OF GRADE 5 STUDENTS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 8(3), 64–73. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/261587