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Sermsak Nuanthip
สมาน ประวันโต
ศศิรดา แพงไทย


          The purposes of the research were to 1) investigate the current condition, desirable condition, and modified priority needs of promoting classroom research of teachers of Phitchaya Technological College, and 2) explore the approaches to promoting classroom research of teachers of Phitchaya Technological College. The samples were 146 school administrators and teachers based on determining sample size using Krejcie and Morgan Table. The research instrument was 5-point Likert scale questionnaires, which the index of item-objective congruence was 0.50 to 1.00, and the reliability was 0.948. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and modified priority needs index value.

          The findings indicated that;

  1. In terms of the current condition of promoting classroom research of teachers of Phitchaya Technological College; on the whole, it seemed to be at the moderate level. For the desirable condition of promoting classroom research of teachers of Phitchaya Technological College; on the whole, it seemed to be at the high level. The modified priority needs in approaches to promoting classroom research, sorted in order will be between (PNI modified) was 0.204 to 0.480. When each aspect was considered, it was found that the aspect with the highest level of the modified priority needs index value was career advancement (PNI modified = 0.480).

  2. The approaches to promoting classroom research of teachers of Phitchaya Technological College comprised 5 aspects and 25 approaches consisting of 1) the promotion of career advancement (7 approaches), 2) the responsibility of teachers to do classroom research (7 approaches), 3) placing great importance on classroom research (5 approaches), 4) enhancing success in doing classroom research (4 approaches), and 5) respecting teachers who did classroom research (2 approaches).

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How to Cite
Nuanthip, S. ., ประวันโต ส. ., & แพงไทย ศ. . (2023). THE APPROACHES TO PROMOTING CLASSROOM RESEARCH OF TEACHERS OF PHITCHAYA TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE GROUP. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 9(3), 95–105. Retrieved from
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