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Tawatchai Sunthonnon
Wan Dechpichai
Tripumin Tritrishadl


       This research aims to develop indicators of professional teachers in the digital age. Quantitative research techniques The sample group was teachers under the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education Promotion. A total of 322 people were found in the three southern provinces, out of 37 schools using a simple random sampling method. questionnaire tool The CVI index was.957 when validated by seven experts, and the data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis techniques. Principal factor analysis was used to extract factors, and the varimax method was used to compose orthogonal spindles. The results of the study found that when used in the exploratory factor analysis, there were a total of 7 factors and 43 indicators, of which the factors were weighted between 1.038 and 18.196, the percentage of variance was between 2.256 and 39.557, and the cumulative percentage of variance was between 39.557 and 65.332, as follows: Indicators of educational and digital intelligence were weighted from 534 to 764 and averaged over, and 8 indicators of teacher ethics were weighted from 619 to 828. Self development 6 indicators, the indicator weights ranged from.534 to.649. In the aspect of promoting informal learning communities, the 4 indicators were weighted from.503 to.687. Promoting professional skills 3 indicators weighted from.580 to.708, 3 indicators promoting lifelong learning with indicator weights ranging from.527 to.659, and Social Intelligence 3. The indicator has an indicator weight value of 539 to 744. 

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How to Cite
Sunthonnon, T. ., Dechpichai, W. ., & Tritrishadl, T. . (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS INDICATORS OF TEACHERS IN THE DIGITAL AGE. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 9(3), 75–87. Retrieved from
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