
  • Nakanyapas Likitrakkun Kasetsart University
  • Apichat Pongsupatt Kasetsart University


Firm Value, Commercial Bank, Stock Exchange of Thailand


The purpose of this study was to study factors affecting business value of the banking group listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The sample group used in this study consisted of 10 companies. Data were collected by a secondary method. Data were collected quarterly from 2017 - 2021, totaling 5 years, using the Fixed Effects Regression Model (FEM) correlation analysis method. Mix (Panel Data) Eight independent variables used in this study Return on Assets (ROA) Non-Performing Loans to Total Loans (NPL) Loans to Deposits (LDR) Ratio Loan Growth Rate (GL), Age of Company (AGE) and Dividend Yield Ratio (DIVIDEND_YIELD)

The results of the study found that factors affecting the opposite direction of the business value of the banking group listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand Statistically significant at the 99 percent confidence level were: Age of Company (AGE) and Dividend Yield Ratio (DIVIDEND_YIELD). However, factors affecting the same direction affecting the business value of the banking group listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. With statistical significance at the confidence level of 90 percent: Return on Assets (ROA) with an R-Square value of 0.870635


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How to Cite

Likitrakkun, N. ., & Pongsupatt, A. . (2023). FACTORS INFLUENING ON FIRM VALUE OF THE BANKS BUSINESS LISTED ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF THAILAND. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 9(3), 179–192. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/268094



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