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Intu-on Wanthat
Artorn Nokkaew


          The purposes of this research are to study the approach of learning management using virtual manipulatives according to the Van Hiele’s theory to develop mathematical concepts of rectangle for prathomsuksa 4 students, and to study the results of the development of mathematical concepts on rectangular shapes of the prathomsuksa 4 students. The participants were fourty-five prathomsuksa 4.7 students from a large elementary school in Phitsanulok, Thailand. Three-cycle classroom action research (CAR) was applied. Research tools of this study included lesson plans, instructional reflection forms, post-lesson conceptual test, and post-unit conceptual test. The data was analyzed using content analysis.

          The research results were found that:

  1. Guidelines for learning management using virtual manipulatives based on the concept of Van Hiele theory to develop mathematical concept of rectangles of prathomsuksa 4 students should emphasize the design of learning step for fostering the concept gradually, including visualizing, observation of relationships, explication, summarizing concepts and practice the concept.

  2. Developing mathematical concepts based on Van Hiele's geometric thinking. After each lesson learning management and after three post-learning management. Most students can develop mathematical maneuvers from Level 0, Level 1 to Level 2 from measuring maneuvers after each lesson learning management, and can develop to level 3 from measuring maneuvers after three post-learning management.



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How to Cite
Wanthat, I.- on ., & Nokkaew, A. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS ON RECTANGLE FOR PRATHOMSUKSA 4 STUDENTS USING VAN HIELE’S THEORY AND VIRTUAL MANIPULATIVE. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, 9(3), 193–206. Retrieved from
Research Article


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