The Buddhist Methods for Behavioral Modification and Prevention of Complications from Hypertension in the Elderly in Dan Kwian Subdistrict Chokchai District Nakhon Ratchasima Province


  • Phrakhru Khantidhammathari Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Methods; Complications; Hypertension; Elderly


This research article aims to 1) study behavior to prevent complications from high blood pressure in the elderly in Dan Kwian Subdistrict, Chok Chai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province; 2) study Buddhist methods to change behavior to prevent complications from high blood pressure in the elderly in the Dan Kwian Subdistrict, Chok Chai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province; 3) present Buddhist methods to participate in changing behavior to prevent complications from high blood pressure in the elderly, Dan Kwian Subdistrict, Chok Chai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, through the qualitative research conducted with 13 key informants. The research instrument was an interview form which used a descriptive data analysis method. The research findings revealed key insights into preventing complications from high blood pressure in the elderly. Firstly, behaviors that promote health include consuming local vegetables readily available in daily life, participating in group exercise activities, and ensuring medication adherence through activities organized by village health volunteers. Additionally, fostering acceptance of life's realities and adopting illness prevention measures are critical. Secondly, Buddhist methods play a significant role in modifying behavior, emphasizing mindful eating, awareness of body movements, and understanding health problems caused by illness to encourage preventive actions. Lastly, the application of Buddhist principles involves fostering cooperation between the government and the Sangha to prevent and reduce recurrent illnesses among monks with high blood pressure. Furthermore, collaboration between village health volunteers and Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospitals is essential to establish shared strategies and directions for improving health outcomes.


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How to Cite

Phrakhru Khantidhammathari. (2024). The Buddhist Methods for Behavioral Modification and Prevention of Complications from Hypertension in the Elderly in Dan Kwian Subdistrict Chokchai District Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(4), 49–60. retrieved from



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