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Saowaluk Kabkaew
Chakkrid Klin-eam
Wanintorn Poonpaiboonpipat



         The research aims to 1) Study the guideline for learning activities based on project-based learning and modeling to enhance mathematical connection ability for grade 9 students 2) Study the effect of learning activities based on project-based learning and modeling on mathematical connection ability for grade 9 students. The target group is 36 students in a secondary school in Kamphaeng Phet Province. The researcher applied classroom action research for 3 cycles. Which were totally 12 periods. The research tools were 1) lesson plans 2) reflection form 3) activity sheets 4) a test of connection skill in volume of three-dimensional shapes. The data were analyzed by content analysis and analytic scoring. The findings were as follows:  

            1) Learning activities based on project-based learning with modeling to enhance mathematical connection ability for grade 9 students should be emphasized that teacher should be a facilitator to guide students in finding the project topic and originality for doing project.  Moreover teacher should, follow up on group activities for more information and understanding problem situation in the real life.

            2) Most of students can connect between mathematics and mathematics,between mathematics and others, and between mathematics and real-life in very good level. They can choose and define topics, situations, or problems with the volume of three-dimensional shapes that are relevant to real life and they can solve problems reasonably

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How to Cite
Kabkaew, S. ., Klin-eam , C. ., & Poonpaiboonpipat, W. . (2024). THE EFFECTS OF USING MATHEMATICS PROJECT BASED LEARNING AND MODELING ON MATHEMATICAL CONNECTION ABILITY IN VOLUME FOR GRADE 9 STUDENTS. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (Online), 10(1), 125–141. Retrieved from
Research Article


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