Cultural refinement in the Bailan Nakhon Taksila Bible


  • Phalinrada Authaisa มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาสงฆ์มหาสารคาม
  • Prasat Chumphon มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาสงฆ์มหาสารคาม


Cultural Refinement, The Book of Leaf of Nakhon Taksila


       The academic article aims to study and research the cultural refinement process that appears in the Taxila Palm Scriptures. By using research methods from documents, research, books, textbooks, as well as various religious scriptures, both in Thai and English. Cultural socialization is the process by which people learn. Absorb social norms and values ​​from teaching or direct communication. and from my own observation to be able to live together with others Live in society correctly Be suitable and develop yourself to be a good member of society. including to develop one's own personality For cultural refinement, many scholars have given ideas. It can be said that the process of cultural refinement according to the teachings in the Takshila scriptures and compiled into a set of knowledge to promote Cultural refinement in the Takshila leaf scriptures through organizing activities, including chanting, meditation, listening to lectures, Q&A, Dhamma questions, and teachings in the Takshila leaf scriptures. can be used as a good example In cultural socialization, it consists of 3 aspects, namely, aspect 1, patterns in behavior, aspect 2, principles of living together or social etiquette, aspect 3, religious beliefs. From the teachings that appear in the scriptures is a set of knowledge for cultural refinement. It is an interest in learning about the Takshila palm leaf scriptures. and can apply the doctrines in the scriptures to everyday life It is also an extension of learning the local language and literature better, bringing doctrines and beliefs to pass on to people in the community to learn together. and aims to develop analytical thinking processes in the learning system in schools or educational institutions to maintain morality and ethics Make society orderly and good, including peaceful coexistence in society.


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How to Cite

Authaisa, P. ., & Chumphon, P. . (2023). Cultural refinement in the Bailan Nakhon Taksila Bible. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (Online), 9(2), 300–314. Retrieved from



Academic Article