The Development of a Learning Management Model Based on the Four Noble Truths to Promote Creative Problem-solving Skills among Undergraduate Students at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isan Campus


  • Surasak Audmuangpiea


This research aimed to study the current state, development, and implementation of a learning management model based on the Four Noble Truths to promote creative problem-solving skills among undergraduate students at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isan Campus. The target group consisted of 50 undergraduate students majoring in Social Studies Teaching, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools included the learning management model, a user guide for the model, instructional management plans, a knowledge test, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis. The research findings revealed that the overall state of learning management based on the Four Noble Truths to promote creative problem-solving skills was at a moderate level (X̅ = 3.25, S.D. = 0.80), according to the opinions of second-year students. Additionally, the evaluation of the suitability of the learning management model found that the overall suitability was at a high level (X̅ = 4.35, S.D. = 0.63), indicating that this model is appropriate for use in the teaching and learning process. The comparison of pre-test and post-test scores using the learning management model based on the Four Noble Truths showed that the average post-test scores were significantly higher than the pre-test scores at the .05 level. The average pre-test score was 32.00 (S.D. = 4.44), while the average post-test score was 49.68 (S.D. = 3.86). These results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in promoting students' creative problem-solving skills. In conclusion, the use of the learning management model based on the Four Noble Truths is an effective approach to developing students' problem-solving skills. It not only fosters creativity and confidence in facing challenges but also enables students to apply the Four Noble Truths effectively in solving everyday problems.


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How to Cite

Audmuangpiea , S. (2024). The Development of a Learning Management Model Based on the Four Noble Truths to Promote Creative Problem-solving Skills among Undergraduate Students at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Isan Campus. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(3), 41–52. Retrieved from



Research Article