Factors Influencing Gender Equality among LGBTQ+ Individuals in Thai Local Administrative Organizations
The research study Factors Influencing Gender Equality among LGBTQ+ Individuals in Thai Local Administrative Organizations aims to 1) examine the relationship between policy implementation organizational structure factors positive organization behaviors and gender equality among LGBTQ+ individuals in Thai local administrative organizations and 2) identify the factors that influencing gender equality among LGBTQ+ individuals in Thai local administrative organizations. This study employs a quantitative survey research design. The sample consists of 400 personnel in Thai local administrative organizations. The research instrument is a questionnaire with an overall reliability value of 0.98 and Corrected Item total Correlation ranging from .414 to .830. The data analysis utilizes frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and tests for data distribution using skewness and kurtosis values, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The findings reveal that policy implementation and organizational structure factors have a low positive correlation with gender equality, while positive organization behaviors have a moderate positive correlation. The factors influencing gender equality are economic social and political conditions in policy implementation explaining 51.3% of the variance, diversity management in organizational structure explaining 24.0% of the variance, and fair recognition and rewards, supportive behaviors among employees in positive organization behaviors explaining 60.7% of the variance, with statistical significance at the .01 level.
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